I hope the information I have provided for you on this site has been helpful to you. Thanks for visiting.
Below are links to further information. Clicking on any of them will open a new window, so you do not have to leave the page. Again, I wish you the best of luck!
Navy Advancement Help- This is my site on studying for the PMK portion of your exam. You will find study tips, hints, and you can also play Battleship! There are also other links at this site that may be of interest to you.
Evaluations Made Easy-This is my site on how to understand and improve your Evaluations, which are critical to your advancement goals. It is a step by step lesson plan. There are charts and graphs there to help you understand your FMS and your Evaluation averages. Of course, you'll also find a game to play!
Navy Advancement Center-This is the official Navy web site where you can get your Bibs and view or order your courses. It is a very extensive site with a lot of information. It is definately a great resource you'll need to use!
Reserve Enlisted Advancements-If you are a reservist, this is where you will need to go for the following: Directions on ordering your service record, Directions on submitting your package to the selection board, selection board feedback, quotas, listings of who made the board, listings of who was selected, and much, much more.
Active Duty CPO Advancement Information-If you are active duty, this is where you will need to go for the following: Directions on ordering your service record, Directions on submitting your package to the selection board, selection board feedback, quotas, listings of who made the board, listings of who was selected, and much, much more.
Active and Reserve Enlisted Career Progression Division-This is the main link for the two links listed just above this. If you have any trouble accessing the two links above, go here and choose the department you want. Note: This is the link I provide in the lesson part of the site because it will take you to both the active duty and reserve sites, as well as a few other departments.
Enlisted Exam Strategy Guide-This is the site for study tips directly from the Navy.
Navy Chief Selection Boards-This is an informative article from the August 97 edition of "All Hands" magazine, and is available online at About.com. While this is a great article if you are looking for information about the selection board process and how the selection board works, keep in mind that the information about addresses for packages and service records are very outdated. Use the official Navy site links above for the current instructions.
History of the Navy Chief-Here is an article if you are interested in knowing more about the history of the Navy Chief.
Enlisted Promotion Chart- This is a chart of the minimum requirements for advancement for each enlisted rate.
Who Wants to Be a Master Chief & In Rate Games- This is the Naval Reserve Redcom Training and Operations page. When you click on the link above, you will have to sign in with your user name and password, as it is an official site. Once you are in, scroll down, and you will see links for Who Wants to be a Master Chief, Who Wants to Be a Storekeeper, Who Wants to be an Electrician's Mate, Who Wants to Be a Yeoman, and under the NPSAC Training (NRAC) heading, there is also one for Who Wants to be a Sailor. When you click on the link for each game, it will ask you if you want to download the setup.exe file to your computer. You cannot play the games online, they have to be installed on your personal computer for you to be able to run them. Hit "OK" and choose where you want the game to go on your hard drive. These games are well made, while obviously no one can promise the questions in the games will be the ones on your tests they will still help you study.
Music and Lyrics to Anchors Aweigh-You may need this someday. Trust me.
Of course I have games for you to play! (it will open a new window so you don't have to leave the site)It is a great way to unwind from the studying and take a break-so you can go back refreshed!. I have a few arcade games for you here, there are also games on my other sites!
Torpedo Alley
Pac Man
Space Invaders
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