You are going to have to do well on your exam in order to be selection board eligible. I cannot stress enough to be sure to use your Bibs so that you can study the correct material. If you have been a great First Class, your evals are in order, and you have been striving and preparing for becoming a Chief, do not spin your wheels now by studying the wrong material! You Bib is going to tell you what to study and where to find it. Your exam writers provide the Bibs to help you, take full advantage of it!
When should you start studying? Since the Bibs come out approximately six months before the exam (in July for active duty & August for reservists), my advice is to start as soon as those Bibs are available. Remember, the top 60% of E-6s in your rating are selection board eligible, which means that some ratings are very competitive. Anyone below the 60% cutoff is done, and will not have the opportunity to take the exam for another year. I challenge you to make one of your goals to be the one who has the highest FMS in your rating! Keep in mind that the only two things that count toward your FMS are your exam score and your eval performance scores. The most you can score on your exam is 80 points. The highest you can score on your performance is 52. So, the best you can do is 132. If you want to be at the top of your rating, you will need to use your Bibs to get anywhere near the competition!Where do you get you Bibs? Click here.
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